About Us

Accel-Go is the next Generation Accelerator. Accel-Go roots are based in a series of networks created in the early 2000s including the Wharton Angel Network, The Wharton Investor Network, the IvyPlus Network and the Ivy Family Office Network. Those groups were focused on enhancing and disintermediating the process of fund managers in accessing family office and institutional investors.

The groups were founded by Marty Secada, a Wharton MBA with a masters degree in computer science who focused on the process of organization, fundraising and preperation for growth.

Since inception, 25,000 funds, managers and deal sponsors have applied to present to our group of family offices and institutional investors with more than 4,500 presenting. That group of presenters includes leaders in every area of financial investment from hedge funds to private equity firms, from real estate to venture capital and many individual deal sponsors as well. That group represents more than $1 trillion of institutional investor capital.

Accel-Go is the next generation of these organizations which provides the toolkit for success based on metrics and key measures for originating and guiding ventures while providing access to marketplaces for growth and certification.

Our Program

We offer utiility services to emerging companies and corporate ideas. We focus on steps to success and provide the means to participants in our programs with a sustaining infrastructure via local and international experts. Likewise, our recommendation engine will provide you with certified talent can help you get to your next level of success. Alumni from our past forums manage more than $1 trillion with AUM. Investors from our group include some of the largest family offices, institutions in the world with their advisors.

Headquarters Team

We are centrally located in South Florida.

Global Team

Local Accel-Go Chapters are run by some of the world's top startup leaders. Below is a sampling of our longest tenured local leaders.

There are over 250 Local Leaders or Accel-Go Chapters across the globe... please bare with us as the full team display technology is under maintenaince.